Nandita Money Drawing Incense
Best Used For...
😍 Nurturing
✨ Enhancing
😇 Uplifting/Vitalize
💰 Money/Good Luck
Nandita Money Drawing Incense has a fresh herbal scent that helps to draw in abundance and money into your life and space. This lovely scent not only draws in abundance, it offers an aroma that is relaxing and nurturing, because at its essence, abundance has a nurturing sensation. Nandita Money Drawing Incense have a unique silver incense stick that only adds to the feel and look of this money drawing tool, use in your rituals, ceremonies, and mind setting moments.
Nandita Incense Company, located in India, offers a wide variety of incense and fragrance oils. Combining natural products and organic materials, these incenses each have a unique and wonderful aromas to enjoy.